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NativeAPI has broken, don't use it in production environment

This API set contains two types: NativeFunction and NativeHook, where NativeHook is a specialized implementation that only contains call and address properties.

Symbol get function

Automatically parse the symbol and get a callable function. If the parsing fails, an exception is thrown.

static NativeFunction.fromSymbol(symbol)

  • Parameters:
  • String: symbol The function to be parsed
  • Return value: native function instance
  • Return type: NativeFunction

Describe get function

Describe the function type and get an uncallable function. If you need to call it, you also need to manually set the address property.

static NativeFunction.fromDescription(ReturnValue: NativeTypes.Void, Params: [NativeType.Int......])

  • Parameters:
  • Enum-NativeTypes: ReturnValue Return type
  • Enum-NativeTypes...: Params Parameter types, passed directly from left to right
  • Return value: native function instance
  • Return type: NativeFunction

Script get function

Describe the function type and get a function from the script, which is wrapped as a function that can be directly called in native code.

static NativeFunction.fromScript(ReturnValue: NativeTypes.Void, Params: [NativeType.Int......], Callback: func(Params...){})

  • Parameters:
  • Enum-NativeTypes: ReturnValue Return type
  • Enum-NativeTypes...: Params Parameter types, passed directly from left to right
  • Function: Callback Callback function, which will be called after the native wrapper function is called
  • Return value: native function instance
  • Return type: NativeFunction

Hook function hook

Rewrite the header of the specified address function, set the callback function, and call the callback function when the original function is called. If you need to keep the original function, please remember to call the original function in the callback function.


  • Parameters:
  • Function: function Callback function, please note that the parameter type is consistent with the description of NativeFunction
  • Return value: original function
  • Return type: NativeHook

call function

Call the corresponding function through the virtual object call.

  • Parameters:
  • Parameters: params The function parameters described by NativeFunction
  • Return value: the return type described by NativeFunction
  • Return type: Value

address property

The pointer value of the function pointer


  • Setter:
  • NativePointer
  • int64
  • Getter
  • int64

NativeType parameter type

This Enum shows all the types that can be used for function parameters and returns

  • Void
  • Bool
  • Char
  • UnsignedChar
  • Short
  • UnsignedShort
  • Int
  • UnsignedInt
  • Long
  • UnsignedLong
  • LongLong
  • UnsignedLongLong
  • Float
  • Double
  • Pointer