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🎈 Entity Object API

In LLSE, "entity objects" are used to manipulate and obtain information about an entity.

In LLSE, “Entity Objects” Are Used to Manipulate and Obtain Information About an Entity.

Get From Event or API

Obtain the entity object given by BDS by registering the event listener function, or calling some returning entity object functions. For details, see Event listener documentation - EventAPI

Get All Currently Loaded Entities

This function returns an array of entity objects, each of which corresponds to a loaded entity.


  • Return value: List of entity objects
  • Return value type: Array<Entity,Entity,...>

Spawn New Creature and Get Its Entity Object

Through this function, generate a new creature at the specified location and get its corresponding entity object.


  • Parameters:
  • name : String
    The namespace name of the creature, such as minectaft:creeper
  • pos : IntPos/ FloatPos
    A coordinate object of where the mob is spawned (or use x, y, z, dimid to determine where to spawn).
  • Return value: The generated entity object.
  • Return value type: Entity
  • If the return value is Null it means that the generation failed

Note: Do not save an entity object long-term. When the entity corresponding to the entity object is destroyed, the corresponding entity object will become invalid. Therefore, if there is a need to operate an entity for a long time, please obtain the real-time entity object through the above methods.

Clone A Creature and Get Its Entity Object

Through this function, generate a new creature at the specified location and get its corresponding entity object.


  • Parameters:
  • entity : Entity
    Need clone entity object
  • pos : IntPos/ FloatPos
    A coordinate object of where the mob is spawned (or use x, y, z, dimid to determine where to spawn).
  • Return value: The clone entity object.
  • Return value type: Entity
  • If the return value is Null it means that the generation failed

Note: Do not save an entity object long-term. When the entity corresponding to the entity object is destroyed, the corresponding entity object will become invalid. Therefore, if there is a need to operate an entity for a long time, please obtain the real-time entity object through the above methods.

Entity Object - Properties

Every entity object contains some fixed object properties. for a specific entity object en, has the following properties:

Attributes Meaning Data Type Entity name String
en.type Entity type name String Entity's in-game ID Integer
en.pos Entity's coordinates FloatPos
en.feetPos The coordinates of the entity's leg FloatPos
en.blockPos The coordinates of the block the entity is standing on IntPos
en.maxHealth Entity's maximum health Integer Entity's current health Integer
en.canFly Can the entity fly Boolean
en.canFreeze Can entity be frozen Boolean
en.canSeeDaylight Can entitiy see daylight Boolean
en.canPickupItems Can entitiy pick up items Boolean
en.inAir Whether the entity is in the air Boolean
en.inWater Whether the entity is in the water Boolean
en.inLava Whether the entity is in the lava Boolean
en.inRain Whether the entity is in rain Boolean
en.inSnow Whether the entity is in snow Boolean
en.inWall Whether the entity is on the wall Boolean
en.inWaterOrRain Whether the entity is in water or rain Boolean
en.inWorld Whether the entity is in the world Boolean
en.speed Entity's current speed Float
en.direction Entity's orientation DirectionAngle
en.uniqueId Entity's unique identifier String
en.isInvisible Whether the entity is invisible Boolean
en.isInsidePortal Whether the entity is inside the portal Boolean
en.isTrusting Whether the entity is trusted Boolean
en.isTouchingDamageBlock Whether the entity touches the damage block Boolean
en.isOnFire Whether the entity is on fire Boolean
en.isOnGround Whether the entity is on the ground Boolean
en.isOnHotBlock Whether the entity is on a hot block (magma and etc.) Boolean
en.isTrading Whether the entity is trading Boolean
en.isRiding Whether the entity is riding Boolean
en.isDancing Whether the entity is dancing Boolean
en.isSleeping Whether the entity is sleeping Boolean
en.isAngry Whether the entity is angry Boolean
en.isBaby Whether the entity is baby Boolean
en.isMoving Whether the entity is moving Boolean

These object properties are read-only and cannot be modified.

  • For a detailed explanation of the entity's current orientation attribute, see the Basic Game Interface Documentation
  • coordinates and leg coordinates: if this entity is two blocks high, pos is different from feetPos, pos is the coordinate of the entity's view's height and feetPos is the coordinate of the block where the leg is located

Entity Object - Function

Each entity object contains some member functions (member methods) that can be executed. for a specific entity object en, you can perform some operations on this entity through the following functions:

Teleport Entity to Specified Location


  • Parameters:
  • pos :IntPos/ FloatPos
    Target position coordinates (or use x, y, z, dimid to determine entity position)

  • rot: DirectionAngle

    (Optional) The orientation of the entity after teleport, or the same orientation as before teleport if default - Return value: Whether the teleport was successful or not. - Return value type: Boolean

Kill the Specified Entity


  • Return value: Whether the entity execution was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Make the Specified Entity Despawn


  • Return value: Whether the entity execution was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Remove the Specified Entity


  • Return value: Whether the entity execution was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Inflict Damage to Entities


  • Parameters:
  • damage : Float
    The amount of damage to deal to the entity.
  • type : Integer
    Actor Damage Cause
  • source: Entity
    Source of damage
  • Return value: Whether the damage was dealt.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Note that the damage dealt here is real damage and cannot be reduced by protective equipment such as armor.

ActorDamageCause ENUM

Heal the Entity


  • Parameters:
  • health : Integer
    Number of hearts to heal.
  • Return value: Whether heal was dealt.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Health for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • health : Integer
    Number of hearts.
  • Return value: Whether set health for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Absorption Attribute for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Attack Damage Attribute for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Maximal Attack Damage Attribute for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Follow Range Attribute for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Knockback Resistance Attribute for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value (0 or 1)
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Luck Attribute for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Movement Speed for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Underwater Movement Speed for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Lava Movement Speed for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • value : Integer
    New value
  • Return value: Whether set attribute value for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set Max Health for Entity


  • Parameters:
  • health : Integer
    Number of hearts.
  • Return value: Whether set max health for entity was success.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Set the Specified Entity on Fire

en.setFire(time, isEffect)

  • Parameters:
  • time : Integer
    Fire time, in seconds.
  • isEffect : Boolean
    Will there be a fire effect?
  • Return value: Whether the fire was set.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Put Out The Entity


  • Return value: Has been extinguished.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Scale Entity


  • Parameters:
  • scale : Float
    New entity size
  • Return value: Whether the entity was scaled.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Get Entity Distance To Pos

en.distanceTo(pos) en.distanceToSqr(pos)

  • Parameters:
  • pos : Entity / Player / IntPos / FloatPos The target position.
  • Return value: Distance to coordinates (in blocks).
  • Return value type: Number

Determine if an Entity Object Is a Player


  • Return value: Whether the current entity object is a player.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Convert Entity Object to Player Object


  • Return value: The converted Player object.
  • Return value type: Player
  • Returns Null if this entity object does not point to a player, or if the transition fails.

If the current entity object points to a player, you can use this function to convert the entity object to a player object to use more player-related APIs.

Determine Whether an Entity Object Is a Dropped Item Entity


  • Return value: Whether the current entity object is a dropped item entity.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Get the Item Object in the Drop Entity


  • Return value: The obtained Item object.
  • Return value type: Item
  • If this entity object is not a drop entity, or if the acquisition fails, return Null

If the current entity object is a drop entity, you can use this function to get the item object in the drop entity to use more item-related APIs.

Get the Block the Entity Is Currently Standing On


  • Return value: The block object the entity is standing on.
  • Return value type: Block

Gets the Container Object for the Mob’s Armor Slot


  • Return value: The container object corresponding to the armor bar of this entity.
  • Return value type: Container

For more usage of container objects, please refer to Container Object API Documentation

Determines if a Mob Has a Container (Except for the Armor Slot)


  • Return value: Whether this biological entity has a container.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Such as the boxes on the alpaca, they each have their own container object.

Get the Container Object Owned by the Mob (Except the Armor Slot)


  • Return value: The container object owned by this biological entity.
  • Return value type: Container

For more usage of container objects, please refer to Container Object API Documentation

Refresh Creature Inventory, Armor Slot


  • Return value: Whether the refresh was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

After modifying the creature's items, in order to make the client take effect, it is necessary to refresh all the items of the creature.

Add a Tag to the Entity


  • Parameters:
  • tag: String
    The tag string to be added.
  • Return value: Whether the Tag was added successfully.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Remove a Tag From an Entity


  • Parameters:
  • tag: String
    The tag string to remove.
  • Return value: Whether the tag removal was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Check if an Entity Has a Tag


  • Parameters:
  • tag: String
    Tag string to check
  • Return value: Whether the entity has the tag.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Returns a List of All Tags Owned by the Entity


  • Return value: A list of all tag strings of the entity
  • Return value type: Array<String,String,...>

Get the Entity's NBT Object


  • Return value: NBT object of the entity.
  • Return value type: NbtCompound

Write to the Entity's NBT Object


  • Parameters:
  • nbt : NbtCompound
    NBT objects
  • Return value: Whether the write was successful or not.
  • Return value type: Boolean

For more usage of NBT objects, please refer to NBT Interface Documentation

Get the Entity's Biome ID


  • Return value:Biome ID
  • Return value type:Integer

Get the Entity's Biome Name


  • Return value:Biome Name
  • Return value type:String

Get entity's effects


  • Return value: effect ID which is entity owned
  • Return type: Array<number,number,...>

Add an effect for entity

pl.addEffect(id, tick, level, showParticles) - Parameter: - id : Number Effect ID - tick : Number Lasting time - level : Number Effect's level - showParticles : Boolean Whether to show particles - Return value: Whether succeed - Return type: Boolean

Remove an effect for entity

pl.removeEffect(id) - Parameter: - id : Number Effect ID - Return value: Whether succeed - Return type: Boolean

Name ID
speed 1
slowness 2
haste 3
mining_fatigue 4
strength 5
instant_health 6
instant_damage 7
jump_boost 8
nausea 9
regeneration 10
resistance 11
fire_resistance 12
water_breathing 13
invisibility 14
blindness 15
night_vision 16
hunger 17
weakness 18
poison 19
wither 20
health_boost 21
absorption 22
saturation 23
levitation 24
fatal_poison 25
conduit_power 26
slow_falling 27
bad_omen 28
village_hero 29
darkness 30

Other Entity Function API

The following APIs provide APIs for interacting with entities at specified locations in the game:

Create an Explosion at the Specified Location


  • Parameters:
  • pos : IntPos/ FloatPos
    The coordinates of the location where the explosion occurred (or use x, y, z, dimid to determine entity location).
  • source : Entity
    Set the entity object of the explosion source, which can be Null.
  • maxResistance : Float
    The maximum explosion resistance of the block. Blocks lower than this value will be destroyed.
  • radius : Float
    The radius of the explosion, which affects the scope of the explosion.
  • isDestroy : Boolean
    Does the explosion destroy blocks.
  • isFire : Boolean
    Whether there is a burning flame left after the explosion.
  • Return value: Whether the explosion was successfully created.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Quick execute Molang expression


  • Parameters:
  • str : String
    Molang expression string.
  • Return value: The result of the Molang expression.
  • Return value type: Float

For detailed usage of Molang, refer to MOLANG Doc